"True followers of Christ are marked by Love"

-I read that in a book somewhere

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To Move or Not to Move........That is the Question

So as many of you have read on facebook, we are planning to move.  Joe would like to attend Moody Bible Institute for a BA in biblical science.  The campus is in Spokane, Washington.  That is a big reason for our move however there is still the family issues that I would like to get away from.  Joey was very attached to his papa and because of a fight I had with my mother-in-law he has decided not to speak to us this has been going on for 8 months now.  My children ask all the time if they can see papa and bubbie, but the thing is it has been said that the kids are not welcome in their home because of Joe and I.  I am tired of trying to talk to joey especially about why his papa doesnt want to see him and why he isnt allowed to go to his best buddies house.  Pop and rena thought the other solution was to switch churches, hence why they no longer attend ours and go to the town church.  I have often wondered why God wont just fix this situation as it hurts me so much.  Others might feel that I am wrong to write this here, but you know what I'm tired of trying to hide everything.  I wish that I could say everything was ok even with Rena and I now, but the truth is it's not.  I still feel like I cant be the mother because she doesnt like the way that I do things.   Have any of you ever had trouble with an in-law that pertains to how you raise your kids? And how do you over come that? I would like to move because it would put distance between us and then Joe and I would be free to raise our kids the way we see fit without someone telling us or me rather that I am such a horrible parent.  Why wont God fix this? I pray all the time about this situation but I dont see the light at the end of the tunnel here.  How do I try to keep proper behavior with no ill feelings towards them when everytime there is communication its a fight?  It seems that I can never do anything right in their eyes, and that even started years ago with a phone call to my mother about how my now mother-in-law didnt like me.  Was our relationship doomed from the beginning?  Then Joe tells me not to let it bother me but how can I do that when I have to deal with her so much?  We get phone calls asking if we are going to participate in church functions, because if we do then they dont want to go.   Is this a game, such childish behavior, and why would I want them around our children? There is no sign of  good Christian behavior in which to teach them since kids are always watching.  I am only venting here, I love my in-laws very much and wish that we could have a decent relationship again, I just am tired of games so for me that is a good reason to move then we are out of sight and out of mind and they can have their perfect little life back and maybe even transfer back to the church (if they were gutsy enough).  If anyone has any advice in this I am open, I am not bitter, and I have given this to the Lord so my heart is clear, but how do you do this when its a battle everyday, and I am not acknowledged as the kids mother, or even the wife of their son.  Where do lines get drawn, how far does it go before there is no more contact? and is it a forever thing, would that be christian behavior? How do I handle this in a good manner while trying to express the love of Christ? Is it even possible?  Joe then heard of a school here at FWW so then do we stay and deal with drama everyday which makes me misrable, or do we go?

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