I have been so stressed out, and I am doubtung God in everything. We have been struggling so much and I feel like the world is coming down on me, I try to keep my head up and keep going but finding it hard to smile. I am tired of cleaning, wiping butts, and tending to everything for everbody else. I love Joe so much and I know I shouldnt be negative, but I need his help to keep the house going. I feel like we (me and the kids) have to compete with this stupid comptuer and him. He says he tries to help but he ever does is point and click!! My commitments are over for awhile now, I just completed the last of them. I wonder about God and where he is in my life right now, I dont feel like he is there or even cares. I know that he is in control, and everything is under control but we have gave so much of ourselves and everything that we have and here we are not only did we take a huge paycut now the VA money that makes my house payment is 500.00 less thats about 600-700 more a month that we need to come up with in order to make our payments, we cant even pay the bills we do have right now, I'm a month behind on car insurance, car payment, cc payment, and still owe 600 to heating fuel! The kicker of all of it is we can get help from the state because we make 3.00 more then we are allowed. I havent done things for people ever expecting things back and yet I have people tell me that God will bless us for things we have done, my question is where is he now? Here we are struggling so much and yet nothing. I know it's in his time and I know he promises to take care of us and it might be different then my ideas but man, cant he help out now. I'm so frusterated and I start school here in sep. then I will go to work at night and try to help, but worried how that will be because I will have to work late or all night then get up and care for the kids, I cant pay for childcare, so then what??? I guess I just need everyone to pray, thats all we can do
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